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Thumbnail of Botkit

Source code:

Year: 2023 - 2024

Tags: bot go lib

A Telegram bot library designed to handle commands and dialogs. Both of these support replying with sticker, photo, video, audio, album or file (even files not directly uploaded by the bot). Dialogs are composed of one or more queries, which can be single choice, multi choice or file queries. In theory you could run multiple instances to help balance the load, as long as they share the same Redis database.

Thumbnail of Commander

Source code:

Year: 2023 - 2024

Tags: bot go lib

Execute Go functions from CLI or from a chatbot. Register any function as a command, then supply a context variable and a string slice as input arguments. If the original function has Context parameter(s), the context variable will be passed, otherwise the arguments from the string slice will be converted using Sscanf. The function’s return values are converted into a []any slice and if any of these values is an error, it will be extracted into a separate error return value.