Projects tagged with demo

Potato Game

PotatoGame is a procedural generated game about little potatoes with customizable AI (which was only done on paper). The goal is to have them win the game for you by gaining world domination. This was my second large game project (in terms of time and effort spent on it), but eventually I lost interest and motivation after forcing myself to work on it and focusing too much on the future outcome. I’m very proud of this project, but I gave up on ever finishing it.



Source code:

Year: 2016 - 2017
Tags: cpp 3d game procedural demo

Floating Islands

Floating Islands is yet another example of my experiments with procedurally generated terrains. I developed an algorithm that takes island positions and island connections as input parameters and generates a 3D grid world using a Perlin noise internally. I also focused on the cartoonish design with edge outlining and also had an A* pathfinder algorithm set up for the little red cube.


Year: 2016
Tags: cpp 3d procedural demo

Ground Tool

The idea behind the demo was a game with floating islands. Though this game never made it to the reality, Ground Tool was born as a result of experimenting with the rendering of these islands. The user can draw a polygon border to the island and when all points are connected, the program generates an island which can be inspected by zooming and moving the camera around.

Source code and binary:

Year: 2016
Tags: cpp 3d procedural demo


Hexagon is very similar to the Minecraft clone, but I wanted to try rendering hexagon blocks (hexagonal prisms to be correct) instead of cubes. The underlying datastructure is still a 3D grid of Perlin noise. One of the main differences is that this demo does not use textures, but has a custom shader that draws grass or rock detail based on the normal vectors.

Source code and binary:

Year: 2015
Tags: cpp 3d procedural demo

Minecraft clone

Minecraft clone is a graphics project I worked on during the final year of the university. Contrary to its name it is not a real clone, it features no game elements. My primary motivation was the recreation of a Minecraft-like rendering in C++.

Source code and download:

Year: 2011 - 2012
Tags: cpp 3d procedural demo

My open source work tagged with demo

[razzie] helm-charts
  • [84290c0d] Added new cert-manager v1.12.2 chart - Gábor Görzsöny (2023-06-30 21:49:19 +0000 UTC)
  • [033abd60] Updated k8s-db-operator chart - Gábor Görzsöny (2023-02-06 19:01:51 +0000 UTC)
  • [5ac7e2a6] Upgraded nextcloud chart - Gábor Görzsöny (2022-12-09 22:19:13 +0000 UTC)